The following are to links which we think you will find of interest.
Battle of Britain Memorial
For those of you have yet to visit this memorial, we hope that you will do so in the future. It is a well kept and thought provoking place to visit and an excellent fitting memorial to the brave. Spud, Gramps and Cookie were there a couple of ears ago and the photo below for "Round the Outside" link was taken there. Spuds profil photo was also taken against one of the planes there. more...
Project 104
The aim of Project 104 was to build a replica of 'Hut 104', the hut from which the entrance to Great Escape tunnel ‘Harry' was concealed. This would be built at the site of the Great Escape Museum at Zagan, Poland . website
Zagan, Poland.
The beautiful city of Zagan, Poland near to which Stalag Luft 3 remains as a museum today. This is Zagan's official website.
Round the Outside
Peter, together with his brother, Dennis, rode around the outside of the UK raising money for "Help for Heroes". They started on the 4th July 2009 and finished three weeks later on the 25th. They made many new friends and visited many RAF stations on the way. Their 'Just Giving' site remains open for donation. Website
Blue Knights - England XIV
Three members of the GE2 team are members of the Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club (LEMC). John, Muddy and Pete are officers of England XIV and organise various Chapter, as well as charity, events. Website
Colin Kirby-Green - Artist
Jon Sturdy Photography
Jon Sturdy is a well known established freelance photographer who's work has featured in several punlications and in many corporate promotions. Jon worked with the GE2 team when we travelled to Essex to meet Colin Kirby-Green for the first time. He recorded the meeting, as well as behind the scenes shots whilst filming for the documentary was in progress.
Jon also suggested to the GE2 team, that he makes a photographic record for publication and after the ride. We are pleased to welcome Jon to the greater GE2 Team and thank him and look forward to working with him. more...
This is the town where Colin's father was murdered togther with Flying Officer Gordon Kidder R.C.A.F. were killed near to the church in the small Czech town of Habruvka. It seems that until now no one in the UK or Canada knew that the Czechs had erected a monument to them in 1993! Not only that but the local school children hold an annual remembrance ceremony there on the anniversary of their deaths!!
Colin has written a letter to the old Czech Air Force general, himself an ex Sagan POW, who was instrumental in having the monument made. These two links have several pictures and you can click for an English translation (which is pretty ropey). The Canadian High Commission here are trying to find any surviving relatives of Gordon Kidder in Canada.
Colin and ‘Dutch’ are going to go there on the last morning at Sagan, pay their respects and meet some local people (hopefully the headmistress of the school), take photographs and see the exact spot where the murders took place.
Click on the two images to visit the websites.
Lie in the Dark and Listen
This is a the Remarkable Exploits of a WWII Bomber Pilot and Great Escaper, Wing Commander Ken Rees. Ken has been speaking with 'Dog' and will be following our exploits with interest - after all, he is one of the amazing people we are celebrating with our journey!
He has written "Lie in the Dark and Listen" and you can read about it. more...
Fly with a Spitfire
Yes, you really can experience a spitfire in the air! Fly with a Spitfire will be at RAF Biggin Hill when we start our adventure. YOU can buy a place in their helicopter and not only will you see us riding on the airfield, but you will be able to take photographs of the Spitfire in flight - next to you! We are so envious!
Our thanks go to the team at "Action Stations!" for offering to do this. more...