In Memorium 
21 Oct 1988 - 9 Feb 2011
Private Conrad Lewis was born in Bournemouth on 21 October 1988. An active individual with a taste for adventure he joined the Territorial Army in August 2008, completing his recruit training and the rigorous Pre-Parachute Selection Course, P Company.
Originally serving in 4th Battalion The Parachute Regiment (4 PARA), the Territorial Army Battalion, Private Lewis was accepted for a full-time reserve service appointment in 3 PARA in July 2009.
Private Lewis was quick to integrate at his new battalion, deploying to Oman with 'C' Company and then moving across to the Machine Gun Platoon, Support Company in the run up to the Battalion's operational deployment. Fighting as a member of a Fire Support Group, he proved an exceedingly competent soldier and was selected as lead scout for his section.
A volunteer for this highly dangerous but critical position, his diligence and bravery were the first line of defence for his fellow paratroopers. An intelligent individual, Private Lewis knew the risks but, day in day out, he was still the man at the front of every patrol, coolly facing the threat and keeping his friends safe.
On 9 February 2011, Private Lewis deployed as part of a foot patrol to reassure the local population and gather census information in a small village north of the Nahr-e Bughra Canal.
The patrol came under fire and, during the ensuing firefight, Private Lewis received serious gunshot wounds.Despite receiving immediate medical attention at the scene, and extraction by helicopter, Private Lewis sadly died of his wounds.
Webmasters Footnote:
Conrad's father was responsible for letting the GE2 Team have Nissan vehicles as he wanted to 'do his bit' as his son was in Afghanistan. None of us expected to make a trip to Wooton Bassett to 'welcome' Conrad back as he was repatriated. Conrad's passing has made GE2 even more personal for the Team. Our heartfelt condolences and thoughts go to Conrad's family. They can be sure that they will be in our thoughts throughout the journey.